Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tip for the Day

Get yourself a clear conscience, and do as you will.
Update on the Tuberculosis front: I don't have it. I still have to take some medicine for six months to lower the chance that I will ever get TB. I have been going through the county, as I don't have insurance. So far, everything has cost me a total of 25 or 30 bucks. The only drawback is I have to wait in a crowded waiting room for a couple of hours to be seen. As I work swing shift, this is not such an inconvenience.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

One of these days

One of these days, I will have enough confidence to put What4 in my signature file....

"Everybody loves the sound of a train in the distance..."

I haven't added to this blog since I added a counter. Perhaps this was poetic justice for caring anyway if anyone read what was on my heart.

Another reason is that what has been on my heart has been all religious. I know how sanctimonious that can sound.

I have been listening to a lot. If you haven't check out LastFM, you really should. It's pretty popular in Europe, and offers alot of free listening, but not so many free downloads. The custom playlists are pretty amazing, though.If you want to visit my lastfm homepage, here it is: Rwinner's LastFM Home Page.

Bought this picture from deviantart for 100 bucks. It looks nice behind my red leatherette sofa I bought from The room is shaping up nicely. I still have to buy the blinds and drapes. I did buy an oil lamp on the net from Vermont Lanterns. This is going to look awfully cool at night, don't you think?

It's fun to decorate the room, though. I am taking a California minimalist approach: one or two things on each wall, no clutter, and simple basic colors. Will show you all the stuff when the room is (almost) finished!
