Saturday, March 8, 2008

I looked for Christ

First thing this morning I looked for Christ in the first person I saw, the 7-11 clerk. It was easy to imagine him as Jesus. He was of middle eastern origin: dark complexion, thick beard, hooked nose. But it was his eyes I looked at the most. They spoke of intelligence and moral depth. I felt the presence of Jesus in him to a certain degree. I felt my first try at this lenten exercise was a success to a degree.

Then I saw Bob when I got to work. I tried to see Jesus in him. I thought I saw a degree of suffering in his eyes, and thought I might have seen Jesus suffering. I was glad I saw this, as it made me more sympathetic toward him.

I tried this exercise on certain women strangers I saw in the course of my day, and I saw Jesus to a certain extent in the long-suffering expression in some of these women. I was glad I saw this, as I was worried that since they were women I wouldn't see it.

I noticed that people I look at in this way seem to regard me more warmly than when I look at them in my regular way. Perhaps there is some sympathetic expression in my face they pick up. I look forward to continuing this exercise tomorrow.

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